Monday, April 25, 2011

Heck It, Just Write La..

Okay, so I've not been as consistent as I would like to be in blogging. I've not had a blog entry since September last year. Not that it really matters since no one actually reads this blog anyway (I am partially to be blamed because I refuse to promote it) but I am making it a point to write/ blog more consistently from now on.

I admit, I have been busy and lazy for that matter and at most times, uninspired to write, I guess. My sense of perfectionism has also contributed much to my long blog silence as I usually refrain from publishing anything that I feel is not good enough for public consumption. Not that perfectionism is not good but I realised that it is this very perfectionism that has in some ways kept me from doing anything at all because nothing is ever 'good enough'.

But I have decided to that it is really OK if my blog entry isn't perfect. What matters more is for me to be able to express my thoughts. Simply put, it's better for me to have at least tried to blog and express my thoughts and feelings than not do anything at all. So yeah, as I had mentioned earlier on, I am gonna try and write as much as I can.

That's all for now. Tune in for more soon blog updates soon!


Khai Ven said...

yes, please do blog more..and add in some pictures as well :)

Anonymous said...

We will drop by if you update!! C'mon..more please!!!!

Jess said...

Welcome back! I guess I should rejuvenate my blog too... But got too lazy with FB...